Evolution of the Pipette – 2002

EMG Testing 2002
This entry is part [part not set] of 6 in the series Evolution of the Pipette

By the year 2000, technology was rapidly evolving creating the landscape for improvement in all facets of science. This resulted in the Pipette being revolutionized even further to align to the technology available at the time. In this article we look at CTS and what VistaLab Technologies did to overcome this problem.

Evolution of the Pipette – 2002

EMG Testing 2002

EMG (electromyogram) testing was used by VistaLab to measure the activity and stresses of pipetting on five muscle
groups when using traditionally shaped pipettes, and then compared to the Ovation design. This testing was done
during the development process for the Ovation Pipette in 2001.

Pipettes already had evolved a very long way in helping protect researchers from coming in direct contact with potentially hazardous liquid samples. However, a new side effect of prolonged pipetting also evolved: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). CTS is an inflammation of the tendons in the carpal tunnel, which can be attributed to repetitive use of the hand or wrist in awkward positions.

VistaLab Technologies focused on a new pipetting approach with one goal in mind: to improve upon the pipette and reduce the strain it causes on the end user. They tackled this project using state-of-the-art ergonomics research technology, such as electromyography, which shows the external force a pipette user exerts on his or her muscles while tipping, aspirating, dispensing and de-tipping.

By designing a radically different, more natural grip on the pipette and changing the user’s arm posture while pipetting, VistaLab introduced the first Ovation BioNatural Pipette, which led the way in pipette ergonomics and reduced the risk of CTS as well as other musculoskeletal disorders.


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